Thursday, January 15, 2009

Strange: Man expects tools but gets marijuana

DENTON, TX -- A Denton man expecting a shipment of tools instead received a 30-pound brick of marijuana that police say is worth more than $10,000.
Police say the man noticed UPS had left an item on his porch.
Officer Ryan Grelle says the man, whose name was not immediately released, opened the box Monday night, realized it contained drugs and contacted police.
The package from the Pharr area was handled by UPS in McAllen on Jan. 6. and apparently was intended for a Dallas address.
The Denton Record-Chronicle reports no such address exists in Dallas, so the package wound up at the similar address in Denton.
-Associated Press

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hang on folks!

Why now?

Who would have ever thought that right when such a historical event is about to take place, the  bailout cloud would rear its ugly head?

Now we have Barack Obama about to be sworn in as one of the most popular incoming Presidents of The United States and his own democratic party is about to shoot him down.  How will that look if the vote authorizing the other half of the bailout money doesn't pass and he has to take the oath with defeat already preceding him?  Ugh.

I understand that the first half hasn't gone so well.  But I believe President-elect Obama has a different game book.  I know that ol' G.W. Bush didn't make everyone accountable  for that first half, but is that a good enough reason to tie Obama's hand?  Because of the way Bush handled it?

On Tim Geithner.

Probably the best person suited for the position of Treasury Secretary, and we're going to toss what's left of our economy away because of a tax situation and his housekeeper's immigration status?

Again, ugh.

Hold on to your wallets because you can best believe we haven't reached the highest peak of this roller coaster ride if all this crap gets in the way.

Hold on!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ann Coulter, Enough Already

There's not much to say here except that she is the female version of Rush.  UGH!

Watch the cat fight!

Did you forget we were watching???

In his last press conference, President George Bush states...

“Don’t tell me the federal response was slow,”  he says.

There were 30,000 people pulled off roofs right after the storm.   I remember going to see those helicopter drivers, uh Coast Guard drivers  ( you mean pilots?)  to thank them for their efforts!”

Did this jerk forget that we watched the whole damn thing live and in living color on TV?

Mr. President,  (glad we won’t have to call you that much longer) it sure as hell wasn’t RIGHT  AFTER THE STORM!

What it was right after, was right after people suffocated in their attics waiting for help.

It was right after bodies floated and rotted in the streets.

It was right after women and babies were raped in the convention center.

It was right after elderly people died in their wheelchairs while sitting at the convention center waiting for this great federal response.

It was right after many citizens of New Orleans  begged and cried out to us on the television WORLDWIDE to help them.  ”Bring food and water,” they said.  ”We’re dying out here”, they said.  Is this the great federal response you’re speaking of?

It was right after you flew over New Orleans and went back to your comfortable White House and started hearing the criticism from around the world.



Watch Campbell Brown call him out on it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Is it enough?

Today, I found out that President-elect Obama has asked Bishop Gene Robinson, who is gay,  to open the inaugural festivities with a prayer on Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial.   I wonder if this is enough to make up for Rick Warren and was he added to make peace with the gay community?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Madoff, How do you even sleep at night?

You must be a really cold thing ?

Do you realize that charities have been jeopardized because they had enough trust in you to invest with you?  What do they get in return?  

Unions with their retirement plans  invested in your Ponzi scam are causing some to realize that they no longer have the retirement funds they thought they had,  jackass.

You have cause millionaires to find their way to their local pawn shops with valuable jewelry in hope of salvaging anything!

Those who made money are finding out they may have to give it up because of future law suits.

Do you realize that there are some who are comitting suicide because of their trust in you?  Their honor was at stake.  Do you hear me?  In other words, your sorry ass has caused people to kill themselves!!!

And today I found out that you are so heartless that you even screwed YOUR OWN SISTER!  Causing her to lose millions.  What kind of an animal are you?  Who in the hell takes advantage of their own family?

I ask again.  How do you return to your mansion, crawl up in your silk sheets, enjoy all the perks that come with your multimillion dollar estate, and sleep, while others blow their brains out in the middle of the night because of you? 
Roast in hell Ponzi Man!

We Can't Wait Either

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Oh how we'll miss all the Bushisms

Friday, January 9, 2009


HOUSTON — A Texas death row inmate with a history of mental problems pulled out his only good eye and told authorities he ate it.


This girl don't know what the hell Gov. Blagojevich (or Blasonofabitch as Jay Leno likes to call him) is on, but I want some of that! Did anyone see that press conference? He's in his own little world.

Shame on the Illinois house for voting to impeach this jerk for trying to help working men and women. You know they've been after him ever since he took office because of his policies (wink).
And to the people of Illinois: Those people in the House, who impeached me today, WILL KILL YOU IF THEY GET A CHANCE. I, Rod Blagojevich, must stop them.
Wow! Bam! Bap! Punch!

Super Blago to the rescue!
I wonder if he even recalls the part about Obama's senate seat? Didn't even mention that part.

And what better way to end all of that than a nice poem.
Blagojevich, that's some good stuff you got there.

: - D

Strange: Big Yellow at the Liquor Store

BILLINGS, MT -- A school bus driver made an unscheduled stop at a liquor store, then allegedly asked a student to help hide her purchases when police stopped her, the district superintendent said.
It does not appear the driver had been drinking, Billings Public Schools Superintendent Jack Copps said. No charges had been filed but the driver quit her job this week.
Copps said someone spotted the bus at the liquor store on Dec. 12 and called authorities

By the time officers caught up with the bus, the driver had picked up some middle school students and allegedly asked one student to hide a paper bag with bottles of alcohol near the back of the bus, Copps said.
Copps said the school immediately notified its bus contractor, First Student, that the woman was not to transport any of the district's students.
School district policy prohibits alcohol on school property or in vehicles transporting students. Copps described the incident as "embarrassing."

Porn Bailout ???

Alrighty then!

Now we know everyone is in on this damn act. Give me a break (or should I say a flick?).

"Girls Gone Wild's" Joe Francis and Larry Flynt the porn king, says recession has hit their business. People don't have enough money to keep their sexual appetitie stimulated, they say. Wanna bet?
So these two "Ain't no shame in my game" fools are asking Washington for $5 BILLION to bail them out. They think they should be compared to the big 3. Ha! Well, they actually may be in a little bit of trouble since there are sites now that let you watch for free. Read their story here.

I wonder what I can go to Washington with a request for? Seems to be quite a line forming up there in front of the capital. Hell, I bet they've even made a sign already, "Government Bailouts Here. Please stand behind the yellow line." I charged quite a bit on my credit cards last year and seeing that I'll have to slow that down and therefore stop stimulating my credit card companies thereby having an effect on the money they can charge me, I think that in the interest of big business, I should get a bailout to help keep all that shit going. LOL!

How about you? What the hell you need a bailout for?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bizarre: Pay for Kidney

GARDEN CITY, NY -- A New York doctor is demanding that his estranged wife pay him $1.5 million to compensate him for the kidney he gave her while they were still on good terms.

Dr. Richard Batista spoke Wednesday to reporters at his lawyer's office in Garden City, Long Island.
He said he gave his kidney to Dawnell Batista in June 2001. She filed for divorce in July 2005.

The 49-year-old Batista works for Nassau University Medical Center. The couple have three children, ages, 8, 11 and 14.
A message left for his wife's attorney, Douglas Rothkopf, was not immediately returned.

Considering Sarah

That's right. Go ahead and try to defend your royal dumbness? I just love the way she can look back and blame it all on media, double standards, and exploitation.
You're the one who came out like a rabid pit bull with your sarcasm and insults. And now your feelings are a little tender and everyone is so unfair. Mainstream media did a hachet job on you. Someone get me a tissue.

Hey Sarah!
All you had to do was answer the questions minus the blank stares.
Oh, and Tina Fey? She matched your words one by one in her skits. So you're upset with her why? Because she was so accurate?

Hear what she has to say below.

You too Sarah. Go away!

When will it end?

Where did this lying goof come from again ?
Matters not from whence he came, this jerk is going to milk this cow for all it's worth.


REALLY ?????


For Pajamas TV ( ???

LOL !!!!!

Can't you see it?

Joe ( or whoever the hell he is): "Good evening, this is Joe, the plumber. Well I'm not really a plumber, but anyway, I'm reporting to you live as the new war correspondent on the Gaza War. Okay, all I know is that, (what country am I in again? Oh yeah, Israel...) Israel has sent their soldiers into this area just north of here, or is it west? Whatever. Them dudes is fightin. Have you seen the death count lately? Damn! (I am protected over here, right guys?)

Anyway, I'm not sure what the hell they fighting about but there's an awesome light show in the sky at night with all them rockets and shit. All I know is that I'm the luckiest MF around. I'm not really a plumber, ain't paid no taxes, and I damn sure couldn't start no business, but I was smart enough to ask one stupid ass question and look at me now. I'm a STAR!"

Go Away Joe!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


No Room At The Inn

You know, tonight I'm sitting here thinking about the lastest news regarding this Blair House. First of all, before Obama requested that his family move in a little early, I'd never heard of it. Even so, back then, I wondered what was so important that couldn't be rescheduled or moved for the convenience of the incoming President of The United States of America. Perhaps a mini global summit or King Abdullah of Jordan or something.

I was so happy when I heard Rachel Maddow of MSNBC ask for anyone to email her with the invitation. Tonight, we found out why President-elect Obama and his family are in a hotel. Apparently, this major event was for a one night visitor (okay, it might be longer but what's the difference?) who is the former prime minister of Australia, John Howard.

What the hell??????? Are you f*&%$@* kidding me? Damn Bush! Haven't you made an ass of yourself enough? And he may have been booked after the Obama family requested to move in early so that their daughters could start school on time? With 119 rooms and 35 bathrooms, do you think that any of them would have even run into the other?
Here you are, the sitting President of The United States, as powerful as that may be, and recently a reporter threw his shoes at you TWICE! And you have the audacity to kick someone to the curb with that "wait until it's your time boy" attitude? Didn't you think we would find out? Shouldn't you be trying to repair that ugly image you've been wearing?
Your time can't be over soon enough.
Good riddance!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Have you ever seen anything like this?

Fire Tornadoes

Watch this one about 20 seconds into the video

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pin your mouth shut, Joan Rivers

When asked what she thought about Barack Obama's appearance, she stated, "I think he should have pinned the ears back years ago. They really annoy me. He represents my country now -- pin back the ears!"

Is she kidding? Has she taken a good look at herself lately? She looks like catwoman from the planet ice, with face freeze. Listen girlfriend, I don't think he'll be taking any advice from you on plastic surgery. Like someone else we know, you obviously didn't know when to quit. Know what annoys me Joan? That your mouth is the one thing that still moves.

Another scandal

I sure hate this. Today, Gov. Richardson has withdrawn his nomination as Secretary of Commerce in President-elect Obama's cabnet due to an grand jury investigation in another pay-to-play deal by one of Richardson's donors. I like Gov. Richardson and I remember that he came out to support Obama at a critical time during the campaign. Our loss.